Changelog of this blog (meta)
I thought I will experiment and start a changelog of technical improvements for this website, excl. the posts themselves.
2023-08 #
- migrated to Eleventy from NextJS
2021-04 #
- added the newsletter generator that automates most part of preparing the Buttondown newsletter. It's not perfect, it's ugly, but it gets 90% done. Excerpts are extracted with graymatter (still used for reading Markdown files, could be replaced with Unified and react-excerpt). Date picker by react-datepicker.
- added stars to posts overview indicating the favorite posts of mine
- reorganized blog categories, inspired by the structure of Julia and Will
- added table of content with rehype-toc if a post requests so in the frontmatter
- added external link symbol: basic css here, symbol copied from Quora as SVG, SVG then serialized to CSS using this tool
2021-03 #
- switched to dark code theme that I find personally more readable
- added changelogs to posts, using data from Markdown frontmatter
- added links to headers with rehype-autolink-headings and rehype-slug
2021-02 #
- ported the website to NextJS , Typescript, and the Unified ecosystem.
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- → Next post: Adding changelogs to blog posts
This blog is written by Marcel Krcah, an independent consultant for product-oriented software engineering. If you like what you read, sign up for my newsletter